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Como Quitar El Olor De Perfume En La Ropa

Perfumes are great to wear when you want to smell good and leave a lasting impression. However, the scent can sometimes linger on your clothes even after washing them. If you're tired of smelling like a walking perfume bottle, here are some tips to help you remove perfume odor from your clothes.

1. Wash Clothes Immediately

The longer you wait to wash your clothes after getting perfume on them, the harder it will be to remove the scent. Therefore, it's essential to wash your clothes as soon as possible after getting perfume on them.

If you don't have time to wash them right away, hang them up to air out before putting them in the laundry basket. This will help to reduce the intensity of the perfume smell.

How To Wash Clothes With Perfume Smell

2. Use the Right Detergent

Using a detergent with a strong scent may not help to remove the perfume odor from your clothes. Instead, opt for a fragrance-free detergent or one with a light scent.

You can also add a cup of white vinegar or baking soda to the rinse cycle to help remove any lingering perfume smell.

White Vinegar For Laundry

3. Dry Clothes Outdoors

If possible, dry your clothes outdoors instead of using a dryer. The fresh air will help to remove any remaining perfume odor.

If you have to use a dryer, avoid using dryer sheets with a strong scent. Instead, use fragrance-free dryer sheets or none at all.

Outdoor Clothes Drying

4. Store Clothes Properly

When storing your clothes, make sure to store them in a clean and dry place. Avoid storing them in a place with a strong scent, such as a closet with mothballs.

You can also use sachets of lavender or other natural scents to help keep your clothes smelling fresh.

Storage Clothing

5. Use Odor Eliminators

If the perfume odor is still lingering on your clothes, try using odor eliminators such as activated charcoal or baking soda. Place them in a breathable bag or container and leave them in your closet or drawer with your clothes.

You can also use a fabric freshener spray or a homemade mixture of water and essential oils to freshen up your clothes.

Odor Eliminators


Removing perfume odor from your clothes can be a challenge, but with these tips, you can say goodbye to the lingering scent. Remember to wash your clothes immediately, use the right detergent, dry your clothes outdoors, store them properly, and use odor eliminators if needed. With these steps, you can enjoy wearing your favorite perfume without worrying about the odor sticking to your clothes.

Related video of How to Remove Perfume Odor from Clothes