Frases De Al Pacino Perfume De Mujer
Perfume de Mujer, also known as Scent of a Woman, is a movie that was released in 1992. The movie was directed by Martin Brest and starred Al Pacino as Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade, a blind retired army officer. The movie was a critical and commercial success and won Pacino his first Academy Award for Best Actor.
Al Pacino's Famous Quotes from Perfume de Mujer
Perfume de Mujer is known for its famous quotes, delivered by Al Pacino's character Frank Slade. Here are some of the most memorable quotes from the movie:
"I'm in the dark here!"
"Out of order, I show you out of order! You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask."
"If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place!"
"There are two kinds of people in this world: those who stand up and face the music, and those who run for cover."
"When in doubt, fuck."
"I'm just getting warmed up!"
Perfume de Mujer's Impact on Pop Culture
Perfume de Mujer has had a lasting impact on pop culture. Al Pacino's performance as Frank Slade is considered one of the greatest of his career, and his famous quotes from the movie continue to be quoted and referenced in popular media today.
The movie has also been parodied and referenced in various TV shows and movies. In an episode of The Simpsons, Homer Simpson watches Perfume de Mujer and is inspired by Frank Slade's courage to stand up to his boss. In the movie Scream 2, one of the characters quotes Frank Slade's famous line "Hoo-ah!"
Frases De Al Pacino Perfume De Mujer are some of the most memorable quotes in pop culture history. The movie has had a lasting impact on popular media and continues to be referenced and quoted today. Al Pacino's performance as Frank Slade is considered one of the greatest of his career, and his portrayal of a blind retired army officer is a testament to his acting abilities.