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La Mujer Del Perfume De Alabastro Estudio Biblico

La Mujer Del Perfume De Alabastro Estudio Biblico


The story of the woman with the alabaster jar is one of the most beautiful and poignant stories in the Bible. It is a story of love, sacrifice, and redemption. This woman is not named in the Bible, but she is known to us as the woman with the alabaster jar. Her story is found in all four gospels, but it is perhaps most beautifully told in the Gospel of Luke. In this article, we will explore the story of the woman with the alabaster jar and what it means for us today.

The Story

In Luke 7:36-50, we read the story of the woman with the alabaster jar. Jesus is invited to dine at the home of a Pharisee named Simon. As he reclines at the table, a woman with a reputation for being a sinner comes in and stands behind him at his feet. She is weeping, and she begins to wash his feet with her tears and dry them with her hair. She then anoints his feet with expensive perfume from an alabaster jar.

The Significance of the Alabaster Jar

The alabaster jar that the woman used to anoint Jesus was a very valuable possession. Alabaster was a precious stone that was used to make jars, vases, and other decorative objects. These objects were often used to hold precious oils and perfumes, as they were believed to have magical or medicinal properties. The fact that the woman used such an expensive jar to anoint Jesus shows the depth of her devotion and love for him.

The Meaning of the Anointing

In biblical times, anointing was a common practice. It was done to show respect, honor, and devotion to someone who was considered to be important or special. Anointing was also done to prepare someone for a special task or calling. In the case of Jesus, the woman's anointing was a prophetic act. It foreshadowed his death and burial, and it was a sign of his coming resurrection.

The Reaction of Simon

When Simon saw what was happening, he was outraged. He thought to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner." Jesus, knowing what Simon was thinking, tells him a parable about two debtors. One owed a great deal of money, and the other owed a small amount. Both were forgiven, but Jesus asks Simon, "Which of them will love him more?" Simon replies, "I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven." Jesus then tells Simon that the woman's sins are forgiven, and that her love for him is great because she has been forgiven much.

The Lessons for Us Today

The story of the woman with the alabaster jar teaches us many lessons. First, it teaches us about the power of forgiveness. The woman's sins were forgiven, and she was able to show great love and devotion to Jesus. Second, it teaches us about the importance of humility. The woman was not afraid to come before Jesus and show her love and devotion, even though she was considered a sinner by others. Third, it teaches us about the importance of sacrificial love. The woman's act of anointing Jesus was a sacrificial act of love, and it is a model for us to follow in our own lives.


The story of the woman with the alabaster jar is a beautiful and powerful story that teaches us about the power of forgiveness, the importance of humility, and the value of sacrificial love. It is a story that has inspired countless people over the centuries, and it continues to inspire us today. May we all strive to show the same kind of love and devotion to Jesus that this woman showed so many years ago.

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