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Las Moscas Muertas Hacen Heder El Perfume Del Perfumista Explicación

Dead Flies Making Perfume

Have you ever heard of the phrase "dead flies make the perfume of the perfumer putrid"? This phrase comes from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible and it means that even a small amount of something bad can ruin something good. But how does this relate to the world of perfumery?

The Role of Animal Ingredients in Perfumes

Animal Ingredients In Perfumes

Perfumes have been using animal ingredients for centuries. The most common animal-derived ingredients used in perfumes are musk, civet, and ambergris. Musk is obtained from the glands of male musk deer, civet is extracted from the anal glands of civet cats, and ambergris is a waxy substance found in the intestines of sperm whales. These ingredients were used to add complexity and depth to perfumes.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern about the use of animal ingredients in perfumes. Many people are opposed to the use of animal-derived ingredients in perfumes due to ethical and environmental reasons. As a result, many perfume companies have started using synthetic alternatives to animal ingredients.

The Problem with Dead Flies

Dead Flies

While the use of animal ingredients in perfumes is controversial, there is another issue that arises when dead flies are found in the perfumer's workshop. Dead flies can cause a major problem for perfumers as they can ruin the fragrance of their perfumes.

Perfumers use a variety of natural ingredients like flowers, fruits, and spices to create the perfect scent. Dead flies can contaminate these ingredients and cause them to rot, which can result in a foul smell. Even a small number of dead flies can ruin a whole batch of perfume.

The Solution

Perfumer Cleaning Dead Flies

To prevent dead flies from ruining their perfumes, perfumers must take steps to ensure that their workshop is free from flies. This involves keeping the workshop clean and free from any food or organic matter that may attract flies. Perfumers also need to keep their ingredients sealed and stored in a cool, dry place to prevent contamination.

In conclusion, dead flies can be a major problem for perfumers. While the use of animal-derived ingredients in perfumes is controversial, dead flies can cause a much more immediate problem for the perfumer. To prevent this, perfumers need to take steps to ensure that their workshop is free from flies and that their ingredients are stored properly.

Related video of Las Moscas Muertas Hacen Heder El Perfume Del Perfumista Explicación