Letra Y Acordes De Perfume A Tus Pies
If you are looking for a beautiful and inspiring worship song, then "Perfume A Tus Pies" is the perfect choice. This song was written by the Mexican worship leader, Julio Melgar, and it has become a favorite among Spanish-speaking churches all around the world.
The Lyrics
The lyrics of "Perfume A Tus Pies" are simple and poetic, expressing a deep desire to worship and serve Jesus:
Perfume a tus pies
Es una fragancia que
Me envuelve en tu amor
Y llena mi ser
Tu dulce presencia
Llena mi ser
Y me hace volar
En tus brazos de amor
The chorus repeats the same words, creating a powerful and meditative atmosphere:
Y yo quiero ser
Un perfume que
Se esparza en tu amor
Y en tu presencia estar
Rendir todo a ti
Mi ser, mi corazón
Y derramar mi amor
A tus pies, Jesús
The Chords
The chords of "Perfume A Tus Pies" are relatively easy to play, and they create a warm and intimate sound that perfectly fits the mood of the song. The main chords are:
Intro: GD/F#EmC
Verso: GD/F#EmC
Coro: GD/F#EmC
Puente: AmDG/BC
The Meaning
The meaning of "Perfume A Tus Pies" is deeply spiritual and emotional, reflecting the desire of the singer to offer everything to Jesus and to be filled with His love and presence. The image of the perfume represents the sweet and delicate offering that the singer wants to make to Jesus, while the phrase "a tus pies" (at your feet) expresses the humility and surrender that come with true worship.
The Impact
Since its release, "Perfume A Tus Pies" has become a beloved worship song in many Spanish-speaking churches, inspiring people to worship Jesus with all their hearts and to offer themselves as a sweet fragrance before Him. The simplicity and beauty of the song have also made it a popular choice for personal devotions and intimate moments of worship.
The Conclusion
If you are looking for a beautiful and inspiring worship song in Spanish, then "Perfume A Tus Pies" is definitely worth checking out. Its simple yet powerful lyrics, warm and intimate chords, and deep spiritual meaning make it a perfect choice for any worship occasion. So why not take a moment to listen to it, sing it, and let its beautiful message fill your heart with love and worship for Jesus?