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Where To Put Perfume To Make It Last Longer

Perfume Application

Perfume is one of the most popular beauty products in the world. It can add a touch of sophistication, enhance your mood, and even trigger memories. However, most people are not aware of how to apply perfume correctly. Knowing where to put perfume can make it last longer and provide you with a more pleasant scent. Here are some tips on where to put perfume to make it last longer.

1. Pulse Points

Pulse Points

The key to making perfume last longer is to apply it on pulse points. These are areas on your body where the blood vessels are closest to the skin's surface. The warmth of your body in these areas will help the fragrance develop and last longer. Some of the most common pulse points are the wrists, neck, behind the ears, and inner elbows.

2. Hair


Another great place to put perfume is in your hair. However, you should not spray it directly onto your hair, as it can dry it out. Instead, spray it onto your hairbrush and then run it through your hair. This will distribute the fragrance evenly and make it last longer.

3. Clothes


Perfume can also be applied to your clothes. However, you should be cautious when doing this, as some fragrances can stain certain fabrics. It is best to spray the perfume onto your skin first and then put on your clothes. This will help the fragrance last longer on your clothes without damaging them.

4. Belly Button

Belly Button

Another unexpected place to put perfume is your belly button. This is because the belly button is a warm and moist area, which is perfect for making the fragrance last longer. Just a small drop of perfume in your belly button can go a long way in making you smell great all day.

5. Behind Knees

Behind Knees

Behind the knees is another pulse point that is often overlooked when it comes to applying perfume. This area is especially effective during the summer months when you are wearing shorts or skirts. Just a light spray behind the knees can help you smell great and feel confident all day long.

6. Ankles


Last but not least, the ankles are another great place to put perfume. Like the wrists, the ankles are a pulse point that can help your fragrance last longer. However, you should be careful not to overdo it, as too much perfume on the ankles can be overpowering.

In conclusion, knowing where to put perfume can make a big difference in how long it lasts and how pleasant it smells. By following these tips, you can make your fragrance last longer and feel confident all day long.

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