La Mujer Pecadora Que Derramo El Perfume
The story of the woman who poured perfume on Jesus’ feet is one of the most well-known in the Bible. It is a story of love and forgiveness, and it is a powerful reminder of the grace that God extends to all of us.
The Story
The story is found in the book of Luke, chapter 7, verses 36-50. Jesus was invited to dinner at the home of a Pharisee named Simon. While he was there, a woman who was known in the town as a sinner came in and began to weep at Jesus’ feet. She poured perfume on them and wiped them with her hair.
Simon’s Reaction
Simon was shocked that Jesus would allow this woman to touch him. He thought to himself that if Jesus was a prophet, he would know that this woman was a sinner and would not let her touch him.
Jesus’ Response
Jesus knew what Simon was thinking, and he told him a parable about two men who owed money to a moneylender. One owed a small amount and one owed a large amount, but the moneylender forgave them both. Jesus asked Simon which of the two would love the moneylender more, and Simon replied that it would be the one who owed more money.
Forgiveness and Love
Jesus then turned to the woman and told her that her sins were forgiven. He said that she had shown great love because she had poured perfume on his feet, and that her faith had saved her.
The Meaning of the Story
This story is a powerful reminder that God’s grace is available to all of us, no matter what we have done in our past. We can come to Jesus with our sins and find forgiveness and love. We can show our love for him by serving him and others, just as the woman did by pouring perfume on his feet.
The story of the woman who poured perfume on Jesus’ feet is a beautiful example of the love and forgiveness that God offers to us. It reminds us that we are all sinners in need of his grace, and that he is always ready to forgive us when we come to him with repentant hearts. May we all have the faith and love of this woman, and may we pour out our love on Jesus in all that we do.