Perfume A Tus Pies En Espiritu Y En Verdad Letra
Perfume A Tus Pies En Espiritu Y En Verdad Letra is a popular Christian worship song that has touched the hearts of many believers around the world. The song was written and performed by the Mexican Christian music group, En Espiritu y En Verdad. The lyrics are in Spanish, and they express a deep sense of devotion and love for God. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of the song, as well as its impact on the Christian community.The Meaning of Perfume A Tus Pies En Espiritu Y En Verdad Letra
The title of the song translates to "Perfume Your Feet in Spirit and Truth." The lyrics speak of surrendering oneself to God, offering all that we have and all that we are to Him. The scent of perfume represents the sweet aroma of our worship, rising to God as a pleasing sacrifice. The imagery of washing Jesus' feet with perfume is taken from the story in the Bible where a woman anointed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume as an act of worship and devotion (Luke 7:36-50).The Lyrics of Perfume A Tus Pies En Espiritu Y En Verdad Letra
The lyrics of the song are as follows:Perfume a tus pies en espiritu y en verdad,
Te ofrecemos el mejor de nosotros,
Lo que somos te lo damos hoy.
Y nos postramos ante ti oh Rey,
Y te adoramos,
Te adoramos.
Y toda nuestra vida es para ti,
Y te alabamos,
Te alabamos.
Oliendo a tu perfume de amor,
Que nos llena de tu paz y tu favor.
Y nos postramos ante ti oh Rey,
Y te adoramos,
Te adoramos.
Y toda nuestra vida es para ti,
Y te alabamos,
Te alabamos.