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Que Hacer Si Te Cae Perfume En Los Ojos

Perfume In Eyes

Perfume is a popular cosmetic product used by many people around the world. It is a fragrant liquid that is sprayed on the body to make it smell good. However, accidents can happen, and you might end up with perfume in your eyes. This can be quite uncomfortable and even painful. If you find yourself in this situation, don't panic. Here's what you should do:

1. Don't Rub Your Eyes

Don'T Rub Your Eyes

The first thing you should do when perfume gets in your eyes is to resist the urge to rub them. Rubbing your eyes can make the situation worse and cause more irritation. Instead, keep your eyes closed and try to remain calm.

2. Flush Your Eyes with Water

Flush Your Eyes With Water

The next step is to flush your eyes with water. Use clean tap water or sterile saline solution to rinse your eyes. You can use a cup or a water bottle to pour water into your eyes. Hold your head back and open your eyes while flushing them with water. Keep flushing for at least 15 minutes or until the irritation subsides.

3. Seek Medical Attention

Seek Medical Attention

If the irritation persists even after flushing your eyes with water, seek medical attention. Perfume contains chemicals that can cause serious damage to your eyes. Visit your doctor or an eye specialist to get your eyes checked. They might prescribe eye drops or ointments to relieve the irritation.

4. Avoid Using Perfume Near Your Eyes

Avoid Using Perfume Near Your Eyes

The best way to avoid getting perfume in your eyes is to avoid using it near your eyes. Spray the perfume on your clothes or body, but keep it away from your face. If you must apply perfume on your neck, do it carefully and avoid spraying it on your face or eyes.

5. Use Eye Protection

Use Eye Protection

If you work in a place where perfume is used frequently, wear eye protection. Use goggles or safety glasses to protect your eyes from accidental exposure to perfume. This will reduce the risk of getting perfume in your eyes and prevent eye irritation or damage.


Perfume in the eyes can be a painful and uncomfortable experience. However, by following these steps, you can minimize the damage and prevent further irritation. Remember to flush your eyes with water, seek medical attention if necessary, avoid using perfume near your eyes, and use eye protection if you work in a place where perfume is used frequently. Stay safe and enjoy your fragrance!

Related video of What to Do If Perfume Gets in Your Eyes