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Where To Spray Perfume To Last Longer

Perfume Bottle Image

Perfume is a magical potion that can instantly lift your mood and make you feel confident. But, have you ever noticed that the fragrance of your perfume doesn't last long enough? Well, the reason behind this is not the quality of your perfume, but the way you apply it. Yes, the way you apply your perfume plays a crucial role in how long it lasts.

Why does perfume not last long enough?

Perfume Bottle Spray

Before we discuss where to spray perfume to last longer, let's understand why perfume doesn't last long enough. Perfumes are made up of volatile compounds that evaporate quickly when exposed to air. When you spray your perfume directly onto your skin, it evaporates quickly, and the fragrance fades away within a few hours.

Another reason why your perfume doesn't last long is because of the way you store it. If you keep your perfume bottle in the bathroom or any other warm and humid area, the heat and humidity will break down the fragrance molecules, making your perfume less potent.

Where to spray perfume to make it last longer?

Perfume Application

Now that we know the reasons behind perfume not lasting long enough, let's discuss where to spray perfume to make it last longer.

1. Pulse Points

The pulse points on your body are areas where your blood vessels are closest to the skin's surface, generating heat and intensifying the fragrance. Spray your perfume on your pulse points, including your wrists, neck, behind your ears, and the inside of your elbows.

2. Hair

Your hair is an excellent place to apply perfume, as it holds fragrance well. Spray your perfume on your hairbrush and run it through your hair or spray it directly on your hair from a distance.

3. Clothes

Spraying your perfume on your clothes is also an effective way to make it last longer. However, be careful while spraying on delicate fabrics like silk, as perfume can stain them. It's best to spray on clothes made of cotton or other sturdy fabrics.

4. Behind the Knees

Spraying your perfume behind the knees is another effective way to make it last longer. The area behind the knees is warm and where the blood vessels are closest to the skin's surface, intensifying the fragrance.

5. Ankles and Feet

Lastly, spraying your perfume on your ankles and feet is another effective way to make it last longer. The fragrance will rise as you move, leaving a beautiful scent trail.


Now that you know where to spray perfume to make it last longer, you can enjoy your favorite scent all day long. Remember to store your perfume bottle in a cool and dry place and apply it on your pulse points, hair, clothes, behind your knees, ankles, and feet for a long-lasting fragrance.

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