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Eau De Toilette Or Eau De Perfume

Perfume Bottle

If you’re someone who loves smelling good, then you must have come across the terms “Eau De Toilette” and “Eau De Perfume”. These terms are commonly used in the fragrance industry to describe the different types of fragrances available in the market. But what’s the difference between the two? In this article, we will explore the differences between Eau De Toilette and Eau De Perfume.

What Is Eau De Toilette?

Eau De Toilette Bottle

Eau De Toilette, also known as EDT, is a type of fragrance that has a lower concentration of fragrance oils compared to Eau De Perfume. The concentration of fragrance oils in EDT is usually between 5% to 15%. This means that EDT fragrances have a lighter scent that doesn’t last as long as Eau De Perfume.

EDT fragrances are perfect for people who prefer a lighter scent that’s not too overpowering. They’re also great for daytime wear, as they’re not as heavy as Eau De Perfume.

What Is Eau De Perfume?

Eau De Perfume Bottle

Eau De Perfume, also known as EDP, is a type of fragrance that has a higher concentration of fragrance oils compared to Eau De Toilette. The concentration of fragrance oils in EDP is usually between 15% to 20%. This means that EDP fragrances have a stronger scent that lasts longer compared to EDT.

EDP fragrances are perfect for people who prefer a stronger scent that can last all day. They’re also great for nighttime wear, as they’re more intense compared to EDT.

What Are The Differences Between Eau De Toilette And Eau De Perfume?

Edt Vs Edp

Now that we know what Eau De Toilette and Eau De Perfume are, let’s take a look at the differences between the two:

  • Concentration of fragrance oils: Eau De Toilette has a lower concentration of fragrance oils compared to Eau De Perfume.
  • Scent: Eau De Perfume has a stronger and more long-lasting scent compared to Eau De Toilette.
  • Price: Eau De Perfume is usually more expensive compared to Eau De Toilette due to its higher concentration of fragrance oils.
  • Occasion: Eau De Toilette is perfect for daytime wear, while Eau De Perfume is great for nighttime wear.

Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing Between Edt And Edp

Choosing between Eau De Toilette and Eau De Perfume ultimately depends on your personal preference. If you prefer a lighter scent that’s not too overpowering, then Eau De Toilette is the perfect choice for you. However, if you prefer a stronger scent that can last all day, then Eau De Perfume is the way to go.

It’s also important to consider the occasion when choosing between the two. If you’re going to be outdoors during the day, then Eau De Toilette is the perfect choice. However, if you’re attending a formal event at night, then Eau De Perfume is more appropriate.


In conclusion, Eau De Toilette and Eau De Perfume are two different types of fragrances that cater to different preferences. Eau De Toilette has a lighter scent that’s perfect for daytime wear, while Eau De Perfume has a stronger scent that’s ideal for nighttime wear. Regardless of which one you choose, make sure to pick a fragrance that suits your personality and style.

Related video of Eau De Toilette Or Eau De Perfume: What’s The Difference?