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La Mujer Que Quebro El Perfume De Alabastro

Perfume De Alabastro

La Mujer Que Quebró El Perfume De Alabastro is a story that was written in the Bible about a woman who broke a jar of expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus' feet. This act of devotion has been retold countless times over the centuries and is still remembered today as a symbol of selfless love and humility. Let's dive deeper into the story and explore its significance.

The Context


The story of La Mujer Que Quebró El Perfume De Alabastro takes place in Bethany, a village near Jerusalem. Jesus had come to the home of Simon the Leper, and many people had gathered around him to listen to his teachings. Simon had invited Jesus to his home for a meal, and while they were eating, a woman came in with an alabaster jar of expensive perfume.

The Act of Devotion


The woman who came in with the perfume was unnamed, but her act of devotion has been recorded for all time. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on Jesus' feet, then wiped them with her hair. This was a powerful act of love and devotion, and it demonstrated her willingness to humble herself before Jesus and show him the respect he deserved.

The Reaction


The disciples who witnessed the woman's act of devotion were taken aback. They felt that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor. But Jesus rebuked them and told them to leave the woman alone, saying "she has done a beautiful thing to me." Jesus recognized the woman's act of devotion as a symbol of her love and faith in him.

The Significance


The story of La Mujer Que Quebró El Perfume De Alabastro is significant for many reasons. It represents an act of selfless love and devotion, and it shows the power of humility and respect. The woman's act of devotion was not about the material value of the perfume, but about her willingness to show her love and faith in Jesus. It also serves as a reminder that we should not judge others for their acts of devotion, but should instead recognize and appreciate them.

The Lessons


There are several lessons we can learn from the story of La Mujer Que Quebró El Perfume De Alabastro. First, it reminds us that acts of devotion should come from the heart and not be motivated by material gain. Second, it teaches us the power of humility and respect, and how they can lead to acts of great love and devotion. Finally, it shows us that we should not judge others for their acts of devotion, but should instead recognize and appreciate them.

The Legacy


The legacy of La Mujer Que Quebró El Perfume De Alabastro has endured for centuries. It has been retold in countless sermons, art, and literature, and it continues to inspire acts of devotion and selflessness today. The story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of love, faith, and humility in our lives, and it encourages us to follow in the footsteps of the woman who broke the jar of perfume and showed her devotion to Jesus.

Related video of La Mujer Que Quebró El Perfume De Alabastro