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Perfume Genius Eye In The Wall Lyrics

Perfume Genius Eye In The Wall Lyrics

Perfume Genius is a musician and singer-songwriter who has made a name for himself in the music industry with his unique sound and introspective lyrics. One of his most popular songs is "Eye In The Wall", a haunting track that explores themes of surveillance, control, and power. In this article, we will take a closer look at the lyrics of "Eye In The Wall" and explore what they might mean.

Verse 1

Perfume Genius

The song opens with the lines, "I feel you watching me / Over the wall / Can't you hear when I call?" These lines immediately set a tone of unease and paranoia, as the narrator senses that they are being watched and monitored by an unseen force. The wall could be a physical barrier, like a fence or a wall, or it could be a metaphor for something else, like the barriers that society puts up between people.


Eye In The Wall

The chorus of "Eye In The Wall" is both beautiful and haunting, with the lyrics "Eye in the wall / Watching us all / Eye in the sky / Watching me cry." These lines suggest that the narrator is not alone in their experience of being watched and monitored. The "eye in the wall" could be a symbol of a higher power, like a government or a corporation, that is watching and controlling us all.

Verse 2


The second verse of the song is even more cryptic than the first, with lines like "I see you're walking free / But who are you? / And who's watching you?" These lines suggest that the narrator is questioning not only their own surveillance, but also the surveillance of others. The line "who are you?" could be interpreted as a challenge to the listener to question their own identity and their place in society.



The bridge of "Eye In The Wall" is a powerful statement on the nature of control and power. The lyrics "You think you're in control / But you don't even know / The power that you hold / The power that I know" suggest that the narrator is aware of the power dynamics at play in society, and that they are not fooled by the illusion of control that those in power try to maintain.


Perfume Genius Eye In The Wall

"Eye In The Wall" is a powerful and thought-provoking song that explores themes of surveillance, control, and power. Perfume Genius has crafted a haunting and beautiful track that will stay with the listener long after the song has ended. Whether you're a fan of Perfume Genius or not, "Eye In The Wall" is a song that is well worth exploring and contemplating.

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