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Quien Le Lavo Los Pies A Jesus Con Perfume

Mary Magdalene Washing Jesus Feet With Her Tears


One of the most significant events in the life of Jesus Christ was the time when a woman came and washed his feet with perfume. This woman was Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesus who had a past that was marked by sin and shame. Her act of washing Jesus' feet with perfume was an expression of her deep love and devotion for him. In this article, we will explore the story of "Quien le lavo los pies a Jesus con perfume" and its significance in the life of Christians today.

The Story

The story of "Quien le lavo los pies a Jesus con perfume" is found in the Bible in the book of Luke, chapter 7, verses 36-50. It tells of a Pharisee who invited Jesus to his home for dinner. While they were eating, a woman who was known to be a sinner came in and stood at Jesus' feet weeping. She began to wash his feet with her tears and dry them with her hair. She then poured perfume on his feet.

The Pharisee, who was named Simon, was shocked and disgusted by this woman's actions. He thought to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is - that she is a sinner."

Jesus knew what Simon was thinking and responded by telling him a parable about two men who owed money to a moneylender. One man owed 500 denarii, and the other owed 50. Neither of them could pay back the money, so the moneylender forgave them both. Jesus then asked Simon which of the two men would love the moneylender more. Simon replied that it would be the one who had been forgiven more.

Jesus then turned to the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little."

The Significance

The story of "Quien le lavo los pies a Jesus con perfume" is significant for several reasons. First, it shows the power of forgiveness. Mary Magdalene was a woman who had lived a life of sin and shame, yet Jesus forgave her and accepted her as she was. Her act of washing his feet with perfume was an expression of her gratitude for his forgiveness and love.

Second, the story shows the importance of humility. Mary Magdalene humbled herself before Jesus by washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. This act of humility is a powerful example for Christians today, as it reminds us that we are called to serve others and put their needs before our own.

Finally, the story shows the depth of Jesus' love for all people. Jesus did not judge Mary Magdalene based on her past or her reputation. Instead, he saw her heart and loved her for who she was. This is a powerful reminder for Christians today that we are called to love others as Jesus loves us, regardless of their past or present circumstances.

Mary Magdalene Washing Jesus Feet With Her Tears


The story of "Quien le lavo los pies a Jesus con perfume" is a powerful reminder of the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers to all people. Mary Magdalene's act of washing Jesus' feet with perfume was an expression of her deep love and gratitude for him. Christians today are called to follow her example by humbling ourselves before others, serving them with love and putting their needs before our own. May we all be inspired by Mary Magdalene's example and strive to love and serve others as Jesus loves us.

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