Did Mary Poured Perfume On Jesus Twice
One of the most popular stories from the Bible is the anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany. The story is recounted in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and John, but there's a question that has puzzled many scholars and readers over the years: did Mary pour perfume on Jesus twice?
The First Anointing
The first anointing of Jesus by Mary is recorded in the Gospel of John. According to the story, Jesus was having dinner at the home of Simon the Leper when Mary came in with a jar of expensive perfume. She poured the perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair. The room was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Some scholars argue that this was a symbolic act of anointing Jesus as the Messiah. In Jewish tradition, anointing was a way of consecrating someone for a special purpose, such as a king or a priest. By anointing Jesus' feet, Mary was acknowledging him as the Messiah and showing her devotion to him.
The Second Anointing
The idea that Mary anointed Jesus twice comes from a story in the Gospel of Luke. According to this story, Jesus was dining at the home of a Pharisee when a woman came in with an alabaster jar of perfume. She stood behind Jesus at his feet, weeping, and began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and poured perfume on them.
Many scholars believe that this story is a second telling of the same event as the one in John's Gospel, with a few differences in details. For example, the woman in Luke's Gospel is not named as Mary, and the location is different. However, the similarities in the actions of the woman and the way Jesus responds suggest that it is the same event.
The question of whether Mary anointed Jesus twice is not merely a matter of historical accuracy. It has been interpreted in many different ways over the years, depending on the religious and cultural context.
For example, some Christians see the story as a demonstration of Mary's love and devotion to Jesus, and a model for how they should show their own love for God. Others focus on the symbolism of anointing and the idea that Jesus was being consecrated as the Messiah.
Some feminist theologians have also interpreted the story in a different light, seeing Mary as a subversive figure who challenges the patriarchal norms of her society. By pouring perfume on Jesus' feet and wiping them with her hair, she is defying the gender roles assigned to women and showing her independence and agency.
So, did Mary pour perfume on Jesus twice? The answer is not clear-cut, and it depends on how you interpret the different accounts in the Gospels. However, what is clear is that the story of Mary's anointing of Jesus has captured the imagination of Christians and non-Christians alike for centuries, and it continues to be a source of inspiration and contemplation.